Here is the formula we use to determine your offer


If you love math, you will appreciate this breakdown. Honesty and Transparency are cornerstones of our business, and we have no issues sharing with you how exactly we formulate our offers.

[Your Offer] = [After Repair Value] – [Cost Of Repairs] – [Our Selling Costs] – [Our Minimum Profit]

And here is a glossary of the terms mentioned earlier.

After Repair Value (ARV): This is what the market value of your house will be AFTER we buy and renovate the house.

Cost Of Repairs (COR): This is what our cost will be for fixing/updating the house AFTER we purchase it from you.

Our Selling Costs: Although we buy houses without involving agents, we, on the other hand, have to use an agent to sell that house again AFTER we have purchased it from you and fixed it up. So we have to pay agent fees, closing costs, taxes, holding costs, etc. These are all the fees you do NOT have to pay if you sell your house directly to us! This is usually 10% altogether of the selling price. (Our Selling Cost = 10% x ARV)

Our Minimum Profit: We keep this to an absolute minimum so we can present you with the highest possible offer. See, our business model is structured around making many deals with a little profit per deal, and not a few deals with a huge profit per deal. This benefits all.

The market value of the house (after we fix it up), minus our costs of fixing it up (including our profits), will be the offer.

The Bay Area's top buying company

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